July 22, 2009

High Noon (1952) - IMDB #120

Let it be know that I'm a big Western fan. I've never met a western that didn't put a tingle in my pants. I just love them. That is until the clock struck 12 and High Noon was broadcast on my television.

The pace of this black and white film was adequate, and I thought I could just smell and ending that was supposed to knock my socks right off. Only that ending never happened. Imagine your parents telling you all Christmas season that you were going to get an awesome Jeep Power Wheels, and when Christmas day rolled around you got a set of micro machines. That's about how I felt at the end of this flick. At 84 minutes, the run time of this movie was the best thing about it.

A nice short flick, that in the end, just didn't deliver.

4 out of 10


"Too proud to run, yet too boring to watch..."

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