July 22, 2009

The 250 Rundown...an introduction.

When you think of film historians and the great, well known movie reviewers, many names may come to mind. Leonard Maltin...Roger Ebert...Gene Siskel. Surely, Kleeberg wouldn't be near the top of that list. In fact, I may be by the bottom. As it is, I'm just a guy who happens to love watching, writing, and critiquing movies. I would consider myself more of a 'Joe Six Pack' of movie watching - I'll get into a deep emotional movie once in a while, but when I go to a movie, I generally want to see two things - lots of kick-ass action, or a big laugh comedy.  I'm not much for the sentimentals, and I'm not into the classics.  Needless to say, this will be a challenge...

Here's the back story to this 'contest'. On a night long, long ago, my best friend and I were trying to think of a movie to watch. We went back and forth between movies, and after a lengthy debate of my 'Collateral' vs. his 'High Noon', we settled on 'High Noon'. For my thoughts on High Noon, you'll have to wade through to the next post, but know that I was 'underwhelmed'. We decided two things. One, maybe we were too used to movies made in our lifetime (post 1981), and two...maybe we just didn't hold an appreciation to the 'classics'. After much debate, I decided to issue myself a challenge.

Now, by no means is the IMDB's Top 250 Movies list a definitive list of the best movies on the planet, but honestly, it's a pretty good gauge. One can argue many positions on the list, but most of the movies on the Top 250 are highly regarded as rightfully being there. My challenge is simple. I'm going to watch every movie on that list.

This isn't going to be easy, and there are some rules to follow.
1. Every movie must be watched. The movies I have seen, I do not have to watch again. This takes 107 off of the list and leaves 143 movies on the list of 250.
2. Other people are invited and encouraged to watch upcoming movies with me, and I will definitely post your thoughts. However, for the official contest, I am the only one that counts.
3. The movie must be watched in it's entirety. No watching for a half hour and quitting. It won't count.
4. There will be no specific order - I will watch what I feel like, when I feel like it.

I will be posting a review on each movie with my thoughts and progress. Hopefully, even if you're not joining in on the action, you will follow our progress. We think it will be a fun challenge for ourselves, and look forward to the comments from our friends, family, and hopefully some strangers as well.

If you've read this, please leave a comment. I like those.

Happy movie watching.


  1. Are you guys hoping for a Julie&Julia-esque movie deal for this blog? Maybe the movie would make it into IMDB's top 250. Wouldn't that be ironic?

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. you don't know shit 'bout movies so stop doing this before making EVEN more ass out of yourselves

  4. it's better than them not watching The Top 250 and going and watching Transformers 16.

    I started watching the Top 250 when I was 14 (2005), and was a pretty average movie watcher then, and since watching the movies on it, it has really opened my eyes to a new world of movies. Especially since at that age I was like 'black and white movies ssuuuckk" coz I was lame.

  5. You guys have no idea about film-making art dont ya´? Taxi Driver a "7"? Platoon a "10"? "The Graduate sucks"??!! Wow!! I bet you'll give 2001: A Space Odyssey (my favourite film) a "1" because your mind is too weak to understand it. But...Some people are born to consume quality art, and some people are born to be ignorant the rest of their lives.

    1. I didn't find The Graduate 'high art'. I'm looking forward to watching 2001.
